Walter Piehl Retrospective Art Exhibit in North Dakota. Why Not Minot? For Art!, North Dakota

This snippet of Walter Piehl's work represents some of the best samples of his prolific career. Please visit the Northwest Art ..."

Walter Piehl Retrospective Art Exhibit in North Dakota. Why Not Minot? For Art!
This snippet of Walter Piehl's work represents some of the best samples of his prolific career. Please visit the Northwest Art ...
Matthew Ryan
March 3, 2023

Video of Minot "Walter Piehl Retrospective Art Exhibit in North Dakota. Why Not Minot? For Art!" added to our site on March 3, 2023, by Matthew Ryan.

Text description of video "Walter Piehl Retrospective Art Exhibit in North Dakota. Why Not Minot? For Art!" is This snippet of Walter Piehl's work represents some of the best samples of his prolific career. Please visit the Northwest Art ...

Video Walter Piehl Retrospective Art Exhibit in North Dakota. Why Not Minot? For Art! has duration 2m 42s

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Walter Piehl Retrospective Art Exhibit in North Dakota. Why Not Minot? For Art! information

Published March 3, 2023
Views 1
Duration 2m 42s
Added by Matthew Ryan